Monday, November 20, 2006

Yahoo goes shopping...

Yahoo has been on a multi-million spending spree, investing in MyBlogLog, a social netowrking site and tracking site for bloggers, and Bix, a site which lets anyone set up their own online content (see previous post on this blog HERE).
More on the buying spree, here.

And just to keep David happy here's Movidity.....who plan to launch in January, allowing users to upload audio or video content, which gets converted in formats for most smartphones and PCs...but like the report writer, I'm not sure that a new start up will get people using the service, rather than waiting for youtube....unless an opportunistic Mobile operator gets involved, of course.


  1. There's no need to wait for YouTube! Check out the announcment from orb networks referred to in the post on here on 'You Tube on your mobile - too late!' (see blog archive, left.)

  2. The Orb announcement though is about downloading the video to your PC and then accessing it oun your handheld. You cannot stream the video directly to your handheld from the YouTube website.

    With ( Movidity, that is exactly what you do, and you can do it for both archived and live broadcast content...and you can search the entire website dbms from your handheld using similar search capabilties (tags, Groups...etc.) as YouTube.


The rate of change is so rapid it's difficult for one person to keep up to speed. Let's pool our thoughts, share our reactions and, who knows, even reach some shared conclusions worth arriving at?